Don't Quit

Don't Quit

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Day 9- Fishers of Men

For those of you that don't know I am a full time preschool teacher aide. I found out yesterday that I will from here on out be in charge of the Sunday School lesson on Monday's, Thursday's and Friday's in my classroom. I will be leading them in prayer, reading the Bible story to them, time of music, and an art project related to the Bible story. I'm excited but a little nervous. This upcoming week is about Jesus choosing His disciples. I was wondering how I could do an art project for this but I remembered how Jesus said He would make them "Fishers of Men." So my art project is going to be having my students paint on some fish that I drew and cut out for them. After the paint dries I would put "Fishers of Men" and the Bible scripture on the fish so that the parents would know what the children learned. During my time of devotion with the children I will talk to them about how they even at the age of 4 can follow Jesus and what that looks like in a school setting. I pray that God blesses this hour each day that I have to teach them. So I decided today's photo would be the fish that I prepared for this coming weeks lesson.

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